
Glass beads, metal wire, 2019

The world-map has been a recurrent visual motif in Galhotra’s work since 2010, appearing first in a work titled Altering Boon, and then as globular form in the concrete Burden series.

The work Fragile uses the world-map to reflect on the earth’s ecosystem as a boon, which however is split and divided by international political borders today.

However, when seen from space, these borders dissolve, and the earth looks like a blue marble dotted by landmasses with floating white clouds.

Posited between this idyllic unity and fragmented reality of the world, Galhotra talks about the fragility of the earth’s ecosystems. She is highly critical of the impact of human actions in the mad rush to gain political power and control nature. Her material choice of glass beads and stainless-steel wires, supplements to the form of the geopolitical map articulated as a void. The shiny and translucent surface, responding to the materialistic aspect of human behaviour, portrays the apparently beautiful yet extremely fragile state of the world. Fragile, in its very material and philosophical conception, speaks volumes about Galhotra intent of being maximally effective by adopting a minimalist aesthetic.


Glass beads, metal wire, 2019

The world-map has been a recurrent visual motif in Galhotra’s work since 2010, appearing first in a work titled Altering Boon, and then as globular form in the concrete Burden series.

The work Fragile uses the world-map to reflect on the earth’s ecosystem as a boon, which however is split and divided by international political borders today.

However, when seen from space, these borders dissolve, and the earth looks like a blue marble dotted by landmasses with floating white clouds.

Posited between this idyllic unity and fragmented reality of the world, Galhotra talks about the fragility of the earth’s ecosystems. She is highly critical of the impact of human actions in the mad rush to gain political power and control nature. Her material choice of glass beads and stainless-steel wires, supplements to the form of the geopolitical map articulated as a void. The shiny and translucent surface, responding to the materialistic aspect of human behaviour, portrays the apparently beautiful yet extremely fragile state of the world. Fragile, in its very material and philosophical conception, speaks volumes about Galhotra intent of being maximally effective by adopting a minimalist aesthetic.